Who stayed out last night until 1 AM being hectic / causing a scene with three of the cooks from work at the new bar next door to said work??
Who enjoyed two Long Trail draft beers whilest watching the Angels v. Yankees game & trying to pry a spoon collection off the wall (yes... a spoon collection)?
Who got hooked up with FREE dinner + dessert + delicious #9's??
And lastly... who is a geezer trapped in a 23-year old's body that woke up at 10:30 AM this morning thinking.... God, I must be OLD!
Oh yeah... it was me. This girl right here. Who now feels the effects of said actions as we speak and is downing a pot of (delicious) Cinnamon-Hazelnut coffee...
Ohhh Good (almost afternoon) Morning Lovelies!!
As you can tell... these nights are rare for me but this was fun! My friend Danielle and I were contemplating a plan for the night when I realized we could go down to the F-Bread and get dinner/drinks! Especially after making the connection I hadn't had my "staffer pizza" of the week aka free pizza we're allowed to take home, eat at the restaurant, give to friends, etc. sooo I spent the staffer allowance on a delicious supper for my girlfraaan and me!
After getting the best spot in the house (we have two big comfy armchairs placed right in front of the clay oven in the center of the restaurant... sooo nice and toasty)... we started with booze (of course) we ARE still in our 20's & it was Friday.. so it's socially acceptable.
Me - Magic Hat; Danielle - Thomas Hooker
Oh and when the bill came.. the drinks were nowhere to be found ;) I looove getting hooked up...
Then ordered an organic salad with Goat cheese to start... and got TWO salads instead... once again... LOVE getting hooked up.
And our pizza of choice was the Jimmy's Free-Range Chicken.. picture the inside of taco on a pizza, with a side of sour cream & lime wedge... Gahhh, its my fav! Free range chicken, roasted corn, black beans, organic tomatoes, shredded cheese, cilantro... yum yum yum! We demolished about 3/4 of it *brushes shoulders off* AND saved room for dessert... Danielle had never been there before so although our food babies were beginning to emerge, we HAD to do it...
We tried a half and half dessert... We did half a brownie sundae with Graham Central Station ice cream (uhhhh graham cracker ice cream with chocolate pieces in it... it's HEAVEN.. I don't know how I restrain myself from going into the walk-in and sitting down with an ice cream scoop & going to town when I'm at work) and a half gingerbread sundae with Pumpkin ice cream. Mind you - the ice creams come from a place down the road that specializes in ONLY All-Natural creations. J. Fosters... I would marry you if you weren't an inanimate object. They're out of this world.
We then shifted next door to the new bar & restaurant that opened.. Dish N Dat. The interior is similar to a retro diner... There was a collection of over 20,000 silver spoons glued to the wall when you first walk in... there's a "help yourself" candy jar full of M&M's on the front counter... and crazy bright color schemes.
Oh... and Long Trails on tap. Heyooo!!
So we enjoyed one or two of those each & three of my friends Erik, Jeremy, & Ray from work arrived (I'm a very good recruiter when it comes to making an outing more fun) and joined in... got a little crazy.. a little drunky... watched the Yankees win (ehhhh..) and laughed the night away until Danielle & I realized it was 1 AM!!! Gahhh, all I could think about was getting into my amazing comfy bed at that point.. so we finally made the choice to get going. Our Old Lady Bones can't handle a night past 1 AM I think... Recruited everyone to leave this time.. formed a train for the ride home aka speed raced down the road blaring Billy Joel while Ray chose Katy Perry (nice touch there, guy) anddd finally made it home to faint into my bed.
Such a fun night and so worth the tiredness I feel....
Anywhoooo... moving onto why you're probably actually here. Foooood!
Yesterday's mid-morning snack was a Granny Smith...
Topped with cinnamon & a drizzle of melted PB
Went to the gym afterward and got a good workout in...
45 minutes on the treadmill / 3.75 miles / 448 calories
Then ran about ten thousand errands:
- Grocery store for lots of fruits (Honeycrisp & Gala apples, bananas) & cereal, coffee, tea
- CVS for a few essentials including a new stick of my Cocoa Butter lip balm which resembles a glue stick... I get the question all the time... NO I'm not spreading glue on my lips, thanks.
- Shaw's for a giant pumpkin - that probably looked entertaining... I stopped specifically to pick out the perfect pumpkin to set in front of my house on our stone wall... so I hauled it across the store and probably looked soooo happy (& sweaty) doing it :) I LOVE FALL
Reallyyy needed lunch when I got home.. so I did a repeat meal:
One of my purchases from the store got used today...
That's only my opinion you tea lovers!
Or... it was my opinion. Until I found this Vanilla Caramel tea...
This tea is sooooo so good! With just a small spoonful of sugar and a splash of my Silk creamer it turned into something that even somewhat resembled my morning cup o' joe!
And breakfast this morning was another amazing treat.... seeing as how I was down to the last tablespoon of my MaraNatha PB, it was a no-brainer that OATS IN A JAR were in order today :)
What do you lovies have planned for your Saturday??
Freaking yummy food. The pizza from your work sounds great! Loving all the free food hook ups you got going on, lucky girl! The tea sounds so good. I bought a cinnamon & orange, almond one today and it was pretty darn tasty after I added a dribble of soy milk to it. Have a good run today chica!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a super fun Friday night. I'm totally an old lady too when it comes to staying out late.