This past weekend was fun.. I worked alot = made alot = spent....some. Not alot but definitely some. (Hey, it was hard earned!) And I've been keeping my word from last time and making sure my increased hours at work aren't affecting my gym time. I'm not using "have to work a double" as an excuse anymore because usually, although I'm up and out the door early in the a.m., I'm still out of work around 8 or 9ish which leaves me enough time to at least get a run in afterwards...
And that's what happened last night. I worked my looong double, and headed out to the gym around 9 and got a quick 2.6 mile run/warm-up walk in... only requiring my overtired legs to work for 30 mins. I felt much better after going and was able to sleep easy last night because of it.... My muscles allll the way up the back of my legs and to my butt are hating me for it this morning though.
Too much work. Not enough stretch-time! Ugh... yoga will be in my schedule today, for sure.
The rest of the past events have been pretty uneventful actually. Just the usual workdays, followed by fun with the co-workers and some of my lovely home girlfriends, a glass of wine here & there, and attempting to get enough sleep each night! I slept a full 12 hours (from 830pm-830am) Monday night!!!!!
I drove down to work (nearly falling asleep at the wheel mind you...and it was 4pm) and even a Venti Americano couldn't keep me going. Luckily the restaurant was dead that night and I practically begged to be able to go home ...seeing as how there was obviously NO need for four people to handle the work that could be done by two (or even one at this point) Soooo I raced home, fell into bed and didnt wake up until the next morning when my alarm was screaming at me to get up and get my lazybones to work a double.... Fortunately the 12 hour rest period made me feel like a million bucks and I was practically buzzzing the entire day :) LOVE how a good night's sleep makes you feel completely rejuvenated....
Eat wise.... there was much, but not much of it was documented...ooooops. I did go out a fair share with friends and such to eat. Yesterdays lunch was with two of my lovelyy friends from work on my hour long break during a double... we went to a local bar/restaurant near work for French Onion & Wild Mushroom soup (uhhh-mazing) & Sauteed Maine crabcakes with a Red Pepper remoulade ahhhh....
Hibachi consisting of chicken & salmon for me was also devoured over the weekend gahhh, I forgot how good (& entertaining) a hibachi dinner is...
On the homecooked side... I discovered this while at Stop & Shop and was feeling a little frigid that day so it was the perfect remedy. Just heat and serve.
Granola bars, per usual... I had two Odwallas over the weekend. I'm obsessed with the Strawb-Pom flavor!!! I don't know what it is but it's delish! I tried the Banana Nut before leaving work when I was falling asleep whilest standing and talking to tables.... seriously, I was that useless... I couldn't even remember the specials 2 seconds after hearing them. Gooddd God....
More soup! In the form of MamaBear's homemade tarragon-turkey soup.... soooo yummy and ALSO consumed the day I came home early. Amazing the only thing my exhausted self could do that day was take pictures of food. Oyy!
Long overdue yogurt messes yum yummmm... in the morning light :) It's always nice to switch it up once in a while... I love me some oats but I need some new varieties.... What are some of your best breakfast oat flavors/combos??? I want to try out some new ones to spice it up a bit!
The rest of the day will be filled with errands seeing as how it's my day off.... I love the feeling when you first wake up in bed and realize you don't have work that day. Is there anything better? Although I always seem to jolt out of sleep thinking "I'm late!!!!" almost every morning which puts a bit of a damper on it... So the plan is:
~Gym time + yoga session with Dawnelle....the girl gives my abs a run for their money
~Bake Thanksgiving inspired cookies for work! Any ideas???
~Shopping - just a tad, for something I've already picked out online :)
~Sushi tonight!
Did you know theres...ONE WEEK TIL THANKSGIVING!!!!!!
Speaking of which... what's your favorite Turkey Day fixing on the dinner table???
I think mine would be my Mom's twice baked potatoes... they're so creamy and melt in your mouth amazing. I cant wait to reunite with them...
Hey busy girl!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your yoga.
My fave Thanksgiving dish is cranberry sauce :)
you seem so busyy !! i'm impressed w/ your optimism with all that. seriously, if i had to work all day i highly doubt i'd have to themotivation to wokr out after! and it's great u listen to your body in teh morning & feed it what it wants :) that is soo important & something i am def working on! thanksgiving inspired cookies sound should do them in shapes of turkey & ice them cutely! or just make some kind of pumpkin flavored thing, maybe sugar cookies with pumpkin icing? idk.. and i am a sucker for stuffing :-\
Working out after a double is mucho hard! My legs used to be soooo dead and I would walk home from work (about a 30 minutes walk). So good for you!
ReplyDeleteHoly cow, you do have a lot going on! I'm impressed that you've got it all together, because I sure wouldn't be :).
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Turkey side: stuffing!