Good morning!!
Hope you all had a fab weekend!!
Mine consisted of some very good eats, great wine, work, and yes, football - along with EVERY other blogging friend out there it seems... that's what I like to see! :)
Although baseball season is still in full-swing in my opinion. Therefore, I got to watch my team get sweeped in a 3-game series against one of my least favorite of teams. *Thumbs DOWN*
Overall, it was a nice relaxing weekend & I ended it with a dinner shift at work last night -- Ran around like a crazy person, tried a bite (or three) of our new Graham Cracker all-natural ice cream... Holy, it was stupid good!!!! and had a table of four 20-year olds ask for my number (no thank you, children) Ya know, the usual fun packed night.
5-1/2 hours later, $175 richer: CHA-Ching!!$$$$ and a sprint 1/2 way across the parking lot in pouring rain (& I mean monsoon style with my Uggs, non-waterproof mascara, and leather purse -- all wise choices for the weather of course) and I made it home finally!
Can I just tell you... how amazing it felt to come home to my favorite sweatpants from college field hockey?? Ugh... oversized and perfect.
Which brings me to my exciting e-mail!!!!!!
A former teammate of mine from college sent out an e-mail to all FH alumni letting us know that our coach was putting together an Alumni game! And wanted to know if any of us would be interested in playing.
Ummmmmmm.... YES YES YES YES YES!!
Soooo soo so excited!!!! :)
Details on that will follow & I'm way beyond ecstatic that I will get to play again... I've done endless searching for adult leagues all over CT and have come up with nothing so this was a nice little treat ! :)
Better bust out my gear and start practicing my stickwork (TWSS...Ha!)
Anywayyyys.... onto what you're probably actually here for: some GOOD EATS...
Speaking of which.... Alton's gotta put some good old pancakes on his next episode.. so he can show me the trick to making a good first batch of these bebes...

What is your secret Mistah Brown???
Whipped up some whole-wheat pancakes for breaky yesterday morning...
I mean... whats Sunday without pancakes right??
Then added sliced bananas to each pancake, plus more on top and a smear of pumpkin buttah... yummmmm :)
Followed by a delayed cup of morning coffee... (the first one)
All wrapped up:
1/2 can white albacore tuna
chopped celery
shredded carrots
baby spinach
drizzle of Annie's HM Dressing
1 slice Reduced-Fat American cheese
--side of carrots w/ hummus & red grapes
Lazed around more because I didn't want to face the fact that I had work in an hour or so, watched the beginning of the Red Sox game & got super-cute for work (sarcasm at its' best people)& headed off to worky... NOT before investing in the second coffee... a Grande sugar-free vanilla coffee @ Starbucks. Gotta keep that caffeine pumping on rainy days or I'm just useless..
I snacked on this a few hours into work:
I also had a salad chock-full of veggies while there.. just a few goodies: sundried tomatoes, roasted red peppers, kalamata olives, mushrooms, red onions, & goat cheese. Gahhh, sooo good!!!!
After trudging through the rainforest weather I was beyond happy to have this when I got home:
My brother the Chef recreated the cheddar bay biscuits from Red Lobster. His were alot less cheesy, salty, & greasy which I liked alot. Served with Basmati rice & calamari. YUM! Made me one warm & comforted girl.
What are your favorite comfort foods on cold, rainy days??
Hot Chocolate or heart soups are usually my cold day "pick me up" remedies. Both work like a charm.
I tossed and turned alot last night which was really frustrating because my body was so exhausted and my eyes felt so heavy but I just couldn't keep my mind from wandering... I woke up once at 3:30am to my kitten scratching at the door because she ALWAYS needs to sleep with her madre at night... then again at 4:15ish for no reason what so ever... then again at 7:30ish which seemed early enough to get up but I was still so physically tired that I tried to nod back off, and did, for about 45 mins...
So the coffee kick continues....
It was too early for my mind to function + a lack of sleep in the first place.. so I waited until my stomach decided what sounded good for breakfast...
Surprise, surprise... a yogurt mess. Who woulda guessed it!?
3/4 cup Kashi Honey Sunshine (I have to get more of this.. I've raced through almost a whole box in less than a week and a half!)
1/4 cup Special K
Tbsp smooth Teddie PB
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Splash of skim milk... the mess was a little dry today
Breakfast on the floor is MUCH more exciting....
Breakfast on the floor is MUCH more exciting....
After taking yesterday off I can't wait to get a good sweat session going :)
And the rest of the day consists of:
1. fun errands -- finding a dress for my brother's birthday extravaganza in a few weeks & a little grocery shopping (foodage ALWAYS brings a smile to this chica's face)
2. not so fun errands -- bank trip (and the closest BOA is NOT close what-so-ever) & laundry! woohoooo !!
3. inhaling more coffee by the minute -- I just can't seem to function normally today
What do you all have planned for your last Monday of September???
Alright... time to get moooovin!!!
Check ya lataaa :)
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