Hello all! How's your Humpday treating you??
Tomorrow marks the first day of October.. can you believe it?! Where does the time go!?
I'm infatuated with how amazing Fall is around here... the leaves are already changing and falling so fast I feel like I'm going to blink and it'll be Winter.
What's your favorite season???
Anyway... I've been a busy busy bee lately (not to mention a stressed out one) ugh... and that's pretty much my only defense for being MIA yesterday and most of today. And I'm exhaaaausted right now after an hour on the treadmill (p.s. RUNNERS BEWARE - certain exercise equipment may shut off on you after 1 hour of use... leaving you angry & unaware of your stats from that past hour!!!!!!!!!) so it's gonna be a somewhat quick post... The last glance I got at the stats I was around 5.2 miles and 620(?) calories or so... still, I'm beyond tired!
I had lots of yummy eats along the way though. And I would adore going into depth about why my life has been a stressful wreck & a half for the past day or two but I'll spare you all that biz-naaaas! PLUS... I'm taking Angela's words about de-stressing and putting them to good use to solve the problem and so far, it's worked wonders! :)
To compound everything into a more simple explanation....
-- I have a business degree that I worked very very hard to get & there are NO jobs for me - don't get me wrong, I love my job!! But at some point it's time to progress past the waitressing profession... and after endless resume sending, interviewing, & getting nothing it's a little frustrating
-- Finances...these probably go hand-in-hand with the above. I'm making good money at my job, but student loans are set to come in, plus car insurance, cell phone bills, PLUS buying a new car.... *cough* updating my Fall wardrobe *cough* are all things I need to keep constantly in my mind and make sure my incoming cash meets my outgoing cash. Ew. I hate moolah & love it at the same time.
-- I hate to get all mushy....but I miss good ol' Anthony :( He's now an hour and a half away from me and I can't see him as often as I was used to during the summer. And especially when I'm stressed out like I have been, I hate the distance! ...Phone calls are great but the other day I even made a very last minute trip up to Huskytown because I was on the verge of an anxiety attack whilest on the phone with BF and we both decided it would probably make me feel better. P.S. It did :) :)
Anyways... now that I've bombarded you with more than you probably wanted to hear, I'll move on toward bombarding you with FOODIE PICS from the last few days ! :) You're welcome in advance haha....
My pre-gym fuel on Tuesday looked a little something like this:
Both with Teddie smooth PB
1 with sliced bananas
1 with All-Fruit raspberry spread
And coffee of course...
POST Gym fuel was just as yummy...
Oatmeal Raisin Luna Bars
Taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie.. gahhh I could have saved this for dessert and had a veryyy happy sweet tooth!
Taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie.. gahhh I could have saved this for dessert and had a veryyy happy sweet tooth!
Made myself an incredible salad for lunch:
soooooo so good!!!
Got a new cereal because I'm a fiend ;)
Brandi got it right when she said it's kind of like Honey Smacks - that frog's got the golden recipe... these were delishhh :)
Soooo....post-phone convo where I complained & whined & acted like a brat due to stress, I packed up some snackies for my journey up to visit boyfriend:
Showing his LAHV of our din-din...
soooooo so good!!!
Got a new cereal because I'm a fiend ;)
Very filling too! One small bowl as a snack held me over for much longer than I expected..
Soooo....post-phone convo where I complained & whined & acted like a brat due to stress, I packed up some snackies for my journey up to visit boyfriend:
-- Kashi Honey Almond Flax
-- Pear
-- Banana
-- PB Pretzel Mojo Bar
** You guys were SO right about these!! They're awesome! I added a tiny spread of PB on top bc the PB chips were a little scarce and it was a nice touch... love the giant bites of pretzel in these!**
-- Chocolate Coconut Larabar
-- also brought a Peach Chobani to mix w. the Honey Sunshine for breaky & my Teddie PB because we're like, lovers. ;)
Boyfriend and I made a fabulous (& surprisingly easy!) dinner once I made it there...
Boyfriend and I made a fabulous (& surprisingly easy!) dinner once I made it there...
-- Roasted veggies!!!! MY FAV:
Red & Orange bell peps
I'm not too experienced with cooking or eating catfish but this came out nice... flaky & the seasoning was a TINY bit spicy which I liked (and bf LOOOOVED... I swear he could down a bottle of hot sauce and not flinch - ick)
I'm usually more likely to cook with tilapia, cod, or salmon... I've never had a recipe with these that went wrong.
Any seafood lovahs out there???
What's your preference?
Showing his LAHV of our din-din...
What's white fish without white wine??? ;)

Breakfast this morning...
Peach Chobani w. Honey Sunshine cereal mixed in
Grabbed coffee with my friend Shannon before leaving UConn to have a quick catch-up session in between her classes and crazy hectic schedule... which gave me a little bit of comfort knowing someone else's life was just as unorganized & stressful at the moment.
Breakfast this morning...
Grabbed coffee with my friend Shannon before leaving UConn to have a quick catch-up session in between her classes and crazy hectic schedule... which gave me a little bit of comfort knowing someone else's life was just as unorganized & stressful at the moment.
I hate that my college girls are all so far now :( I used to be able to do coffee with Shan every morning to cure our hangovers, revisit the happenings from the night before, laugh at the pictures we took, try to remember what happened to all of our money/morals, etc. HA jokingggg.... kinda ;)
we were absolute cah-raaaaaving sushi so that's what we got...
Obvi loving it... GET IT GIRL!
Oh. Hey... 45 degree weather..GOOD TO SEE YOU.
You know what... I take that sarcasm back, you're glorious :)
Leaves already falling... its' nuts!
I was still an icicle when I got home so I wanted warmth in the form of foodage:
....you know how I do ;)
...add miso soup, one of Linds's steamed veggie dumplings, & a side salad to this and I was ready to name my food child...
After lunch... our caffeine levels were apparently too low and we were "FORCED" to get coffee.
Hey..gotta survive right?
...add miso soup, one of Linds's steamed veggie dumplings, & a side salad to this and I was ready to name my food child...
After lunch... our caffeine levels were apparently too low and we were "FORCED" to get coffee.
Hey..gotta survive right?
So after eating my weight in shu-shee lanch! (aka: sushi lunch, for those of you who don't follow my odd terminology) I got ready for the gym...
It is FRIGID in my house these days!!!!
I was all ready to go and just could not muster up the strength to remove my warm toe-sies from my Uggs and get them into my sneaks for about half an hour...
You know what... I take that sarcasm back, you're glorious :)
I was still an icicle when I got home so I wanted warmth in the form of foodage:
-- Sauteed yellow squash, corn, & garlic
I love the salad walk through!
ReplyDeleteI'm going through the same financial stress right now and I'm freaking out about Christmas being around the corner. AAAAHHH!!! It'll work itself out though...at least that's what I tell myself :)
Have a great day!
oh yeah thte 45 deggree weather is finally here, not so happy abotu it either, maybe the only postive thing is UGGS! oh and scarfs, love scarfs!
ReplyDeletethat oatmeal raisin luna is a fav flavor of mine as well! very sweet and yummy. The mojo bars are amazin because they combine the salty AND sweet, I mean that is a marriage made in heaven!
love the double plating the PB...well done :)